Monday, December 7, 2009


First things first, scores out of ten for each episode, from worst to best:

2x09 - The Biggest Mistake - 6.5 tubes of red lipstick
2x17 - Vi Of The Future - 7.0 flapping German flags
2x04 - Open House - 7.5 tangled Barbie dolls
2x21 - Backstabbing - 7.5 graduation certificates
2x15 - Life Of The Party - 8.0 tanned, athletic, girly-named fish
2x13 - The Breakdown - 8.5 beetroot fishes
2x01 - Grave - 8.5 hot mentors in towels
2x20 - Disconnect - 8.5 fired housekeepers
2x16 - Curiouser And Curiouser - 8.5 omnipresent tortoises
2x07 - Spin-Off Material (Part 2) - 8.5 empty beer bottles
2x03 - Roses Are Red... - 8.5 broken fairy castles
2x05 - Little Miss Lovely - 9.0 cross-dressing cops
2x19 - Morality - 9.0 troublesome seatbelts
2x02 - The Exorcism Of Violet Morgan - 9.0 paper lanterns
2x22 - Lies Are Lies - 9.0 shapeshifting saplings
2x12 - If You Go Into The Woods Today - 9.0 signal fires
2x08 - Drive - 9.0 bribing jailbird posters
2x14 - The Day That I Died - 9.0 stages of grief
2x06 - Spin-Off Material (Part 1) - 9.5 empty trolley docks
2x10 - Saving Benson - 9.5 pairs of bowling shoes
2x18 - Stitch - 9.5 homemade formal dresses
2x11 - The Newbie - 10.0 cinnamon rolls
Season Average: 8.59 Bacon And Egg McGuffins

Remember how in last season's review I said I didn't know how to criticise something as good as it was? Well, this season was even better. I even almost knocked the Earth out of its usual orbit (which is around my own ego, apparently) by giving a perfect ten! (And again, two of the three 9.5's would have been tens as well, if I didn't have this editor's eye for SPAG haggery.)

So many shocking twists this season. Shane getting Signs and visiting the Company? Doc is Crenshaw? The Breakers actually work together with the Fixers sometimes? Benson's fired? Kou's dead? Shane's turning into an adorable monogamous whore? Niko's dead? Bianca is a Breaker? Diana is the mole? Peter somehow got past the memory ray and realised his book was real? All awesome. I think that out of all of them, the only one I guessed was the Bianca one, what with her at the bus crash site without a single scratch, but she died later on.

I think, though, that if I had to find one problem with the season, it's that it went for long stretches without updating us on [insert storyline here]. Yeah, Peter's book was there throughout the season, but the season basically dropped the Doc storyline from a couple of episodes after he was revealed as Crenshaw until right at the end, we didn't really have any huge Morgan family stories in between 2x02's secret birthday party and 2x21's "Penny graduates! Squee!" storyline, and we went pretty much without the dual Shane's band/Jimmy and Tabitha stories for the entire second half of the season. It's great that we got more development with the Company personnel in exchange, and that we got to see Vi having some sort of romantic life, but I would have liked it to be a bit more... even, you know? But then again, judging by popular opinion, I find Erin less objectionable than most, and the Breakers more objectionable than most, so... whatever that's supposed to mean about my own lack of sanity.

Usually, I'm the sort of person who would pick a favourite character after a couple of episodes, read all their storylines ahead of time for no reason (see also: Gabe in Pathways; Arc in Desperate Screenwriters, Mike in Hell's Gate), and then get disillusioned with the entire concept, but with this show it's impossible to pick a favourite, because everyone is seventeen kinds of kickass, and it's making it a very enjoyable show. (Hurrah for enjoyment, woo!)

There are so many things I'm speculating about for Season 3, it's not even funny. Is there some sort of unknown connection linking Vi and Kieran, considering how often they've wound up together? Would it be a Fixer or a Breaker responsible for maintaining the connection? Is there a third branch for dealing with these sort of things? Will the growing dissatisfaction at the Breakers (certainly with Roxy, Nathan and Bianca, it seems like there may be others as well) result in people defecting to becoming Fixers? We've already gotten Bianca and Marcus Breaker-napped, surely that could go two ways? In other news, why were the scenes we were shown in Bianca's Memory Recovery Centre trip ones that never actually happened? If Bianca was meant to take Vi's place as a Fixer, does that mean Vi is supposed to still be alive? If not, how would she have died? Would Shane have still found out about the Company? Will Erin find his sister? Is it possible, given Drive's trip to Melbourne and Vi Of The Future's fly-by-nacht visit to Germany, for Fixers and/or Breakers to be given assignments that would normally be handled by other regional offices? What would the circumstances be? Why am I overthinking a show this much?

God, I'm this show's bitch. [God: "Shoutout!"]

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